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How To Set and Achieve Your Marketing Objectives in 2021

15th January 2021

When it comes to Marketing your Business, whether you offer a range of bespoke services or sell products online, it can seem overwhelming at first. From posting at the ‘right’ times and creating content that stands out to keeping your website up to date and nurturing customer relationships, there’s a lot to think about.

Getting clear on the OBJECTIVES of your Marketing activity is the first, and most crucial step. Doing this will help to clarify the actions you need to take, as well as remove any distractions. Your marketing objectives should include a concrete specification of how that vision can be achieved. In order to craft your marketing objective, you must start with your VISION by defining three main things:

  • WHY – What is the driving force — or the “why” — behind what you want to achieve? What pain or problem has led you to this point, and why must it be solved?
  • ASPIRATION – What does success look like — or “how” does the end vision solve that problem?
  • GOAL– What steps must be taken — or the “what” — for your aspirations to come to fruition?


When you are clear on the “why” and the “how” behind setting your marketing objectives, you can start setting SMART goals.

SMART goals are realistic, quantifiable, and focused targets that you can easily aim for. SMART is a popular acronym that helps you to clearly define your goals.

  • Specific: The goals are clearly defined and outlined so the whole team understands the objective and why it’s important.
  • Measurable: The goals have key performance indicators (KPIs) and benchmarks that allow you to measure your success.
  • Achievable: The goals are within the ability of your company and team. While you want to set a high bar, you should use your current position to set REALISTIC, attainable goals.
  • Relevant: The goals are relevant to your brand mission and overall direction of your business. You should have solid reasons for each of your marketing objectives.
  • Time-Bound: The goals need to have a timeline that indicates when the objectives begin and end.

So, whether your objective is to generate more leads, improve your SEO or increase sales / revenue, keep it SMART. We suggest starting with your end goal and working backwards, and focusing on 3 – 5 really specific objectives. Anything more will distract you from what’s most important. Pick goals that you genuinely care about achieving to maintain momentum and enthusiasm, enjoying the process of achieving your objective.

Marketing Objective Examples

Increase Sales

If you’re selling products or services, you may want to focus on selling more of those offerings. This is one of the marketing objectives that will increase revenue and the amount of money coming into your business.

Increase sales marketing objective example: “Increase online sales by 10% within the next 12 months.”

Use KPIs to measure the progress, such as number of website visitors and conversion rate.

Increase Lead Generation

You may want to focus on lead generation tactics that grow your email list and fill your client relationship management (CRM) system with qualified prospects.

Increase lead generation marketing objective example: “Develop and launch five new conversion funnels on the website per month to increase the number of new leads by 10%.” 

Use KPIs to measure the progress, such as number of leads, cost per lead and sales-qualified leads.

Moving Forward

Your Marketing objectives will inevitably change as time goes on. For example, if one of your objectives was to increase traffic to your Website by 5%, and you achieve this, you will need to update your objectives to keep moving forward.

It is important to note that your Marketing Objectives completely depend on the kind of business you have and your overall BUSINESS goals. Without defined goals, there’s no clarity on what needs to be accomplished, and your brand – as well as your team – will struggle to reach the fullest potential.

To make Marketing a part of your Business Success in 2021, and for support in setting and achieving your Marketing Objectives, contact us on: 01752 220 377.

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